Hunter Information Sessions for Future Choices Expo for Students with a Disability

The Future Choices Transition Expo for Students with a Disability kicks off at McDonald Jones Stadium from 9am to 1pm on Wednesday 7 August. Transitioning from school to the next stage of your life when you are living with disability often comes with unique challenges and unexpected opportunities. Attracting over 120 exhibitors with a focus on connecting young people living with disability to employment services, employers, education providers, disability providers and government services to help them make informed decisions about their future and the support available in the move to adult life, the expo is presented by Career Links.

Career Links is a not-for-profit organisation that creates pathways for all young people as they transition from school, the events are run in conjunction with the National Disability Coordination Officer Program and the NSW Department of Education Support Teachers. The event is a critical information resource for school leavers who face the day-to-day challenges of living with a disability and are seeking to explore pathways open to them.

Hunter Information Sessions run from 9.30am to 12.50pm. Download the 2024 Information Session Program – Future Choices Expo – Hunter.

Sessions include:

**Planning for Life After School at 9.30am

**Allied Health Therapists at 10am

**NDIS at 10.30am

**Finding a Disability Service Provider at 11am

**Steps to Getting a JNob at 11.30am

**Finding an Apprenticeship or Traineeship at 12pm

**Finding Training Providers After School at 12.30pm

Hunter Information Sessions at Future Choices Expo for Students with a Disability -